Energy Efficiency
Efficiency projects
Whether you are looking to decrease your costs or your environmental impact, energy efficiency projects are often the first thing that comes to mind when considering demand-side projects. Some projects (e.g. LED lighting) require low capital and have quick paybacks. Many of our clients have already engaged these opportunities, though some still have opportunity for easy and quick projects like these available to them. Other projects might have longer payback times, include changes in operations, or require significant construction/equipment upgrades.
When we engage with clients, we begin with a discussion of goals and objectives. We set targets for payback times and look for projects that can meet these goals. Often, the amount of money saved from these shorter-term projects can pay for other projects, a sort of rolling investment in efficiency. Importantly, many utilities and states offer incentives for efficiency projects. We can help find what incentive money is available. Most utilities fund these programs by adding charges onto delivery bills – so you've already paid for the projects, it's time to get your money's worth.
Many of these projects also produce measurable environmental benefits, both in Scope 1 and Scope 2 emission reductions. Our clients often have internal sustainability goals they would like to meet. We are happy to help them find ways they can pursue these goals without breaking the bank.
Often, efficiency projects are best identified through an energy audit, or what we call a structured assessment. We encourage you to contact us to learn more about how we can identify ways we can help you achieve you efficiency goals, whether it is to lower costs, take advantage of incentive money, or pursue sustainability targets.
Constant Commissioning
Heating and cooling equipment are often meticulously setup and calibrated prior to and during installation. However, this attention to detail doesn't always persist as the equipment ages. Set points drift, operational changes occur, and facility space grows. Equipment that was carefully setup is no longer running optimally. We can add data loggers and adjust the performance of equipment to ensure it operates at peak efficiency and lowest cost.