Zenith Energy Authors National Energy Best Practices for AHA/ASHE
In cooperation with Mazzetti, Zenith Energy has authored best practices for energy procurement. These best practices are specific to healthcare, but many concepts are applicable for other industries. This market-leading approach can help organizations lower costs and lower market risk, gain control over energy spend, and develop a multi-year strategy that is customized to the organization's needs.
The Power of Positive Connections
Zenith Energy Network was founded in 1995 as Hospital Energy and has grown to be a leading energy procurement organization with more than $1 billion in contracts under management.
““As facility engineers, we are so busy managing our hospitals’ physical operations that we often don’t have the time or access to the analytical tools necessary to really navigate the volatile energy markets. Zenith Energy’s sharp analysis and easy, cooperative approach helped our energy team make the right decisions and book $750,000 in energy market savings with minimal time commitment on our part.””
Why Zenith Energy?
By taking a comprehensive approach to energy management, reviewing both procurement and energy demand/efficiency together, we can drive results that exceed those that emerge from addressing
supply and utilization separately.